Typhoon Soudelor

Dear Everyone,

Although we just had a HUGE typhoon come through Taiwan, luckily I'm still alive to tell the tale! People had been warning us of the typhoon for about a week leading up to it so we were expecting it to be pretty big. Then at the last minute the typhoon headed towards the mountains on the side of Taiwan so it wasn't as big as they thought...but it was still pretty big.

Elder Dalmer and I tried to go out, but that ended pretty quickly haha. We could hardly open the door to go outside because the wind was blowing so fast. When we got outside, the first thing we saw were tons of trees torn up and lying on the road and lots of scooters that had been blown over onto the road. We could hardly see a thing because the wind would shoot the rain right into our eyes so we just blindly staggered forward trying to get to a place to eat. That didn't happen because the place we wanted to go...was a little broken. The stove counters of the place had been torn out of the ground and ceiling. And as we walked by, a refrigerator was almost blown at us.  That was pretty funny. We spent a little while helping people who had their stuff blown away but then we were told that we weren't allowed to be outside. It was a pretty fun day though, but after being cooped up in the house all day, I was very happy to be able to get outside!

Last pday, Elder Dalmer and I went to a place in Zuoying called the Lotus Pond. It was pretty fun and we took a lot of pictures. We only stayed there a short time because we had to go practice for a singing arrangement that we are preparing for our zone conference. Hopefully it will sound pretty good.
Unfortunately because of the typhoon, no one we invited to church came, but hopefully they will be able to come next week. Things are still going well down in Nanzi, and I'm looking forward to another awesome week!
BTW, Happy Birthday Ian!! You're super old man! Also, you need to stop growing or else you'll be taller than me and that's not cool haha. Apparently I might have grown taller on my mission or something. Everyone who was in the MTC with me says that I look taller than I was...look out Eric, I'm finally going to be taller than you!!
Well I love you lots!

Lotus Pond

Typhoon Soudelor



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