Ni Hao!

  Well another transfer is done, and it appears that I will be staying in Tainan for a while longer. We still haven't had any of the new missionaries arrive because of the visa problems. Therefore, the Mission President is holding off moving everyone around until they get here. I'm so thankful that I was able to get to Taiwan as fast as I did. I thought that 2 months was a long time to wait, but it has been about 3 months for the other missionaries now and who knows when they will be here.

  This past week was lots of fun. We had our English Party on Wednesday. It was Harry Potter themed. A lot of the younger members of our ward came and they had some pretty sweet homemade costumes. We didn't really have any time to make or get costumes so I just wore a green tie and said that I was Malfoy. Elder Smith was Harry Potter and Elder Page was Dumbledore. They both had costumes so for the entire night I kept getting comments like "Why don't you have a costume? Who are you supposed to be?" We had some quidditch, wand making, potions, cookies, and a little play at the end of different parts of the movies. We actually just kind of winged the play at the end and made it up as we went. So for in-between the scenes, I just danced on the stage. I don't really know how to break dance but whatever I did, everyone loved it and wanted videos. It was probably just amusing to see a white kid doing a really poor job of dancing. It's all good though. They enjoyed the party.
  More importantly this week, D... and L...Dx were baptized! Yes!! It was so good. D... was so happy and had tears in her eyes. She really wanted to be baptized. L... Dx had always tried to hide the fact that he wanted to be baptized, but he wasn't able to hide it after he was baptized. He looked happier than I had ever seen him before! I'm so happy for them. D... has a rough time with all her coworkers though. They are from a different religion and tear her to pieces every time about her betraying God and about all the bad stuff that will happen. She has a strong testimony and endures without fighting back against them. She still needs lots of prayers though.
  So does L... Y... H.... He is having a tough time quitting smoking, and we will have to push back his baptismal date. He's also having second thoughts about baptism being worth quitting his addictions. I hope that he can recognize it's importance!
  We went bowling last week on pday, and I got a score of 161! I'm slowly working my way up there! We also went to a chidaobao and I got to hang out with a MTC buddy Elder Varvel. That was fun. We're going to another chidaobao today because D... is on a break from DangBing (mandatory military service) and is leaving again tomorrow.
  Some other fun things. All over Tainan, they have little parks with grass and trees. They also have a bunch of outdoor workout equipment that the senior citizens can use. There is literally always somebody using the stuff and they're probably in their 60s or 70s. That's another way they all stay strong at that age. I don't know if I've said this earlier, but all the garbage trucks here play classical music on them like "Fur Elise". I thought it was an ice cream truck at first but was pretty disappointed when I found out otherwise. Using chopsticks is actually pretty easy. They all prepare the food in bite sized pieces (usually) so it's pretty convenient to use chopsticks. They have some really weird spoons for soups and stuff. It actually feels really weird whenever I use a fork or a knife! Using chopsticks is so much nicer!
Well that's about it. I hope everyone has a good week! I love you lots!
Happy Day!!

Tainan, Taiwan Stake Conference


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